Call us now: 910 264-4491
Windflower Maintenance

Quality landscaping
Providing mowing and maintenance services in Wilmington, NC. since 1984. We serve Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties.
From small residential lots to pastures we have the equipment to handle all your mowing needs.
Other services include:
pruning and shearing
vacuum leaves and pine straw
flowers from our own greenhouse
irrigation optimization & audits
garden tilling
custom garden structures decks, gazebos, patio furniture

Poinsettias are available from Thanksgiving to Christmas every year. For 2012 we are growing these colors: prestige red, peterstar white, freedom pink and peterstar marble.
Red 8 inch pot about 16 inches tall
White 8 inch pot about 16 inches tall
Marble 6 inch pot about 14 inches tall
Pink 6 inch pot about 14 inches tall
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